Glen Discovery in GlenLyon
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1586 Letters of Horning recorded at Perth

1586. Aug. 8. Letters of Horning recorded at Perth, at the instance of Allane Stewart in Stuikis, Johne Drummond in Drummenerinoche, William Grahame, fear of Callander and Patrick Graham of Inchbraikie” against
1 “Gregor McGregour of Glenscheroche, ( Allaster of Glenstray).
2 Ewin MacGregor, Tutour thairof, (uncle to Allaster the young Chief ).
3 Allester Gauld, his brother (under Earl of Argyle).
4 Allester pudrech MacGregor (from Balquhidder ‘huidder’ ) under the Laird of Weem.
5 Dougall sone, (Dougall Denistoun, i.e. Dean’s son) MacGregor.
6 Donald MacGregor
7 Allester McCondoquhie McAllester.
8 Johne Dow MacGregor his brother. (probably occupier of Camuserachtie beg in Rannoch)
9 Patrik Duncansoun MacGregor in Innerzaldie (in Glenleidnoch) under the Laird of Tullibardine. The Ammonachs were of this family.
10 Gregor his son.
11 Duncan MacGregor his son in Port of Latherne.
12 Donald Dow his son in Megor.
13 Duncan Glen MacGregor (brother to the Tutour as appears elsewhere).
14 Johne MacGregor in Dundurn.
15 Duncan Roy his brother.
16 Johne Dow McCondoquhey MacGregor (brother of Allaster McCondoquhie).
17 Donald Dow.
18 John Dow McCallum owir MacGregor (Mcilchallum).
19 Johne Moir MacGregor in Callichra (Mcilchallum owir).
20 William McGillchallum MacGregor in Letterling (Mcilchallum ower MacGregor)
21 Duncan Bane MacGregor in Stuikinroy, (Duncan Bane McRob under the Laird of Buchannan).
22 John McRob MacGregor in Ruchois.
23 Gregor McRob MacGregor in Corner.
24 Callum Moir MacGregor (McRob) in Knockheilt.
25 Callum Dow (McRob) his brother.
26 Robin Roy (McRob) his brother in Corner.
27 John Dow McRob their brother (alsua).
28 Allester McCoule McIllvirum MacGregor in Dessour (or Dischoir from Deasach the side of Loch Tay facing south).
29 Malcum McCoulquheir (McDougal Keir) in Innerlochie (Balquhidder) under the Laird of Tullibardine.
30 Duncane McCulquheir MacGregor in Drummilliche, son of Malcolm the 2d Chieftain of their House.
31 John McCoulquheir MacGregor thair, brother of above.
32 Dougall McCulquheir MacGregor in Glengyle, another brother under the Laird of Buchannan.
33 Gregour McCulquheir MacGregor in Keylecter (Caoletter).
34 Patrik McCulquheir in Strathyre (Strachur), another brother of Duncan in Drummilliche.
35 Finlay keir McCulquheir MacGregor in Culgart.
36 Allester MacGregor (Mceanduy) in Strathphillane.
37 John dow McWilliam Mcilchallum MacGregor.
38 Patrik MacGregor in Cadern, (Cadderine - known as ‘our’ youngest Brother of the Tutor.)
39 Duncan (McCondochy) Cleroch (clerk) MacGregor.
40 Gregour craginche MacGregor (or in Craiginshache spelt in several ways) (Craigan).
41 Donald our (odhar, dun or sallow) McInleith (Mcillich).
42 Duncan McCondoquhie (or MCewin) McCondoquhy.
43 Allester his brother.
44 John MacGregor in Schadowne.
45 (Ewin MacGregor Jamesoun in Scaderin).
46 Gregour McCondoquhy in Roro (under the Laird of Weyme) Head of House of Roro.
47 Callum croy MacGregor in Candrochie.
48 Malcum glas (pale or grey) MacGregor in Kynaltie.
49 William (Mcilchallum) MacGregor thair.
50 Duncane (Mcilchallum) MacGregor thair.
51 Allester MacGregor in Fernan, (Loch Tay) Under Laird of
52 Williame (McWilliame McNeill) MacGregor Strowan (Robertson) thair
53 Gregor (McHucheon) MacGregor in Calder.
54 Finla (Mccondoquhy glas) MacGregor thair.
55 Duncan (Mcallester vreac) MacGregor in Lagfernan (or Langfernan).
56 Callum MacGregor McNeill.
57 Neill his brother.
58 John Dow his brother.
59 John Dow (Mccondoquhy) deroche MacGregor.
60 Malcum (bane) MacGregor McNeill in Rannoch.
61 Dougal his broder in Roro.
62 Donald gorme Mcinleiche in Rannoch.
63 Gregor Mcillechallum (Mceanmoyle) in Innervar (in Glenlyon) under the Laird of Glenlyon.
64 Neill dow his son.
65 Gregor McCondoquhy (in Roro), (repetition of No. 46).
66 Callum dow his brother in Glenlochy.
67 John Mauloch (or Manloche) thair brother.
68 Gregor Mcilchallum Comrie, (in the District of Auchmore in the Barony of Weem)
69 Duncan oig Mceanduy MacGregor in Glenlochy,
70 Duncan our Mceanduy thair
71 John dow Mccondoquhy MacGregor in Roro.
72 Robert beg Clench MacGregor (or McRobert earlich, ‘Tearlach’Charles).
73 Duncan MacGregor in Tullichewne.
74 Duncan MacGregor McWilliame.
75 Callum MacGregor McWilliame in Rannoch, (Kinlachar) under Laird of Weyme.
76 Duncan MacGregor McWilliame his brother.
77 Callum McConnel Mceane MacGregor.
78 John dow (Mcchallum) in Rannoch.
79 Callum MacGregor McWilliam his brother thair.
80 Allester Mcinnes (Mceane) MacGregor in Rannoch.
81 Gregor McNeill MacGregor in Candrochth (Candrochitmerk).
82 John MacGregor his sone in Ardquhillanie, (Loch Lubnaig or Ardchoille ?).
83 Ewin MacGregor his brother.
84 Allester MacGregor his brother alsua.
85 Allester McRobert (moir) MacGregor in Strathyre and his sons.
86 Walter McAlpie in Lingrathletterling (McAlpine in Lung at Lettenlung).
87 Robert McAlpie (McAlpine) his son in Duchois, (Ruchoiss).
88 Murdo McAlpie (Murdoch McAlpine) his brother.
89 John Bane McIllechallum glas MacGregor in Rannoch.
90 Gregor ger (often gar from gearr, short) his brother.
91 John McNeill (or invill) his brother also.
92 Gregor cam (blind of one eye) thair brother’s sone.
93 Dougall Danesoun (Denesoun) MacGregor.
94 Dougal Denisoun his brother’s son.
95 Dougall Jamesoun MacGregor.
96 William his brother
97 Gregour Mcneill (Mceanmoyle in Bofrak).
98 Gregour McNeill McInwalliche in Ardewinch, (Ardewnaig).
99 Ewin Mceanvalliche thair.
100 Callum McCondoquhy Vreak MacGregor.
101 John his brother and
102 Gregor his brother.
103 John McConneill Mcinlay in Glenscheray, (Glenstray).
104 Nicoll McGowne in Achtervich.’

for different acts of theft, from the complainers. - Register of Hornings Perth, in General Register House, Edinburgh.

“1586 Sep. 15. They are released from the horn till 13, Oct.”